Camp Run A Pup Invites You To Celebrate
Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) for Pups/Pets
October 27th, 9 AM – 3 PM
The belief is that on this day, our pups/pets return from the beyond to visit their forever home in life. Families often leave water and food out to welcome them home.
Join us as we honor these pups who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Though their time with us is never long enough, the love, memories, and stories they leave behind last forever. Let’s celebrate that forever love together with pictures and snacks.
We welcome you to add a picture of your pup to our altar, either by emailing it to us or dropping it off at camp by October 24th.
Camp Run A Pup
3413 Central Ave
Chicago, Il 60634
Email photos to - Camprunapups@gmail.com