Howdy, Camp Families!
Welcome to Stay Playful, where we share camp Shenanigans!
Ever Wonder About the "Dog Days of Summer"? Traditionally from July 3 to August 11, it's all about stars, baby! The ancient Romans blamed Sirius, the "Dog Star," for making everything so darn hot. So next time your pup gives you the "it's too hot to move" look, blame it on the cosmos!
No Transportation! provided on July 4th. Camp as usual on July 4th and 5th. The dastardly holiday is back. And we shall ignore it except for the food. We will not ignore the food otherwise denial full on!
Summer Reservations: Book your summer reservations early and often! If your preferred dates are booked, contact Colleen (773-685-6667). She might have a cancellation or can add you to our camp wait list. Colleen is very fond of chocolate.
The Bear-y Best Kong Fillings Inspired by "The Bear" (now streaming on Hulu, for you culture vultures), we've stirred up some Kong stuffing that'll make your pup feel like a king! Camp speciality Kongs are available to order for your pups overnight visits ($10.00 umbrella included)
The Dessert Kongtail: A decadent swirl of whipped cream and peanut butter, jazzed up with sprinkles and topped with a tiny umbrella. It's like a piña colada, but your dog won't drunk-text their ex afterward.
The Appetizer Kong: A flavor explosion of cheese, apple slices, blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, and rolled oats. It's so fancy, your dog might start speaking French. Bone appétit!
Shark Week: July 21-28 We're diving into Shark Week! For the second year in a row! Expect games, Sharkcuterie boards, and swimming with the Dogfins. Stay tuned for more de-tails!
Wedding Bells and Wagging Tails We now offer "We Do, So You Don't Have To" wedding wrangling services! We'll get your pup to the chapel on time, looking picture ready. Your wedding desserts will thank us later. Promise! Your photographer may offer you a discount.
(Kb is rolling her eyes — but you keep asking for these services and who is she to argue). Prices based on availability, distance, and the pup.
Recycle and Rejoice Got old beach towels? Don't trash 'em, stash 'em... at camp! We're always in need!
DIY Pupsicle Game Beat the heat with this cool treat! Freeze your pup's favorite small toys and treats in water. They will dig this icy pup treatcycle. We use a kiddie pool to hold the ice sculptures because we're extra like that.
Thanks for reading! Camp is good because of you and your pups!
Katybeth Jensen-Ruscitti, PPS
Cole Ruscitti, PPS
Professional Pet Spoiler
Camp Lodge Number- 773-685-6667 (text or call)
Camp Lodge Address: 3413 N. Central Ave, Chicago, Il. 60634 I hate spam too! Please unsubscribe to this newsletter if you have moved, are taking a pup break or are embracing the minimalist life.